I moved recently from the cabin in the woods (rare cell service and no internet) to nearby Clarksville, Tennessee. My partner, John, and I have started exploring the area and doing homey things like planting herbs and making a guest room pretty for our Virginia family and friends. He's been wonderful at helping me figure out how to best arrange the art making spaces here. He's a creative too (a writer and musician) and amazing to brainstorm ideas with, to think about ways we can use our purposes to be of service in this world. All of this to say, I'm feeling settled and so happy and ready to make things!
I have some cyanotype fabric pieces ready to stitch into, a few painted journals in various stages of ready, and plans for mixed media paintings and larger cyanotypes. I want to dive again into my passion for vintage photos and Photoshop. So much goodness to experiment and play with and share. On one of the work tables now is a new batch of cyanotype pendants almost ready for resin to be added to the bezels.

I enjoy making these little wearable art pieces. (Another thing I hope to make and share soon is a video about the start to finish making of a cyanotype because I love every step in this way of creating.)
Here's an image of finished pendants from the previous round of pendant making:

Have you ever worked with resin? I've been using and really like Art Resin. A dear friend told me about this non toxic, no awful fume resin. It's super easy to use (self leveling) and doesn't yellow. Plus, I didn't get a headache and sore throat as when I made the pendants before with another product.
Thank you for stopping by. Wishing you a lovely and creative day!